Stressed spelled backwards is DESSERTS! with Helen Vaughn

It’s that time of year again, when the store displays are overflowing, lights are blinking, and shoppers are bustling. You feel the excitement of the season, but you also know it is the time of year that can bring on the most stress. In the body, stress shows up with symptoms such as exhaustion, tension, tightness, headaches, or digestion upset, and stress can also erupt as emotions such as grief, loneliness, sadness, frustration, anger, or fear.  If you want to get ahead of the holiday rush and experience this December differently make sure you mark your calendar for Wednesdays Together with Helen Vaughn, LPC, LUT and Youth and Family Ministry Director.  One way we can connect and come together during the season is to share a family recipe…. for desserts or for a way to beat Stress. Be prepared to share your best tips for stress relief or some great desserts.