Deepen Your Commitment
Are you looking for spiritual growth, fellowship, joy, abundance, love, integrity, compassion, peace, friendship and fun? Then you might consider deepening your commitment by becoming a member of Unity of Gainesville, GA. Besides sharing your spiritual gifts within a community that you love and support, membership is really about ownership.
As a member/owner:
- Members have voting privileges. (You are eligible to vote for Board members, ratify changes or amendments to our By-Laws, and authorize any transaction of $25,000 or more.)
- Members have the right to offer ideas and suggestions to the Minister and the Board for the good of the community.
- Members receive facility discounts when using our beautiful property for weddings, birthdays, anniversaries or other special occasions.
Membership is also useful for legal and financial purposes as we conduct our business as a non-profit corporation with banks, the IRS, Unity Worldwide Ministries and so much more. Once a year, we ask you to recommit yourself to this life-transforming, New Thought community. Now is that time. To renew your membership please complete the Membership Database for 2022 found below.
If you are seeking membership for the first time, please fill out and return the membership application by clicking here. You will be contacted once your application is received.
If you would like to know more we invite you to contact our office: unityofgville@gmail.com
**We're updating our Membership List and our Database for 2023. Please find the form here. Fill it out and return to Unity of Gainesville by email: unityofgville@gmail.org or by mail: 3415 Stancil Road, Gainesville, GA 30506. We ask that the form be returned by Feb. 14, 2023.
"Becoming a member of Unity of Gainesville has been a beautiful experience. The people are warm and welcoming. I find that the community supports each other through valuable growth. It has become a family to me." Phyllis Wintter