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Meeting ID: 848 0774 8946
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Rev. Jesse Aliene James
Jesse was the Senior Minister of Unity of Greater Portland (Portland, Maine) from 2001 - 2011. Before that she was a mom, second grade teacher, and professional figure skater. More recently she has lived in Florida where she was Gammy to her Grand daughter, Kylee, and shared her wisdom with the local Unity Communities. Since moving to N. W. Georgia she shares her home with her kitty Lily and continues to guest speak in local Unity communities. Through all of these life incarnations she brings her playful, courageous Spirit. Her passion continues to be loving herself and others unconditionally into freedom. “In this simple way we can all celebrate our authentic expressions of Christ Light and live together in a world that works for all”. This is why her former congregation coined the name for her, “Outlaw for Love”.